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  5. How to Access the ShopCred WooBuilder

How to Access the ShopCred WooBuilder

Step 1:

Navigate to the WordPress Admin Dashboard > Plugins> Add New the ShopCred WooBuilder plugin.

Step 2:

Install and Activate the plugin.

Step 3:

After activating the plugin, head over to the Exclusive blocks >ShopCred WooBuilder.

Step 4:

Activate the License by putting the license key. 

Step 5:

Simply, click the Exclusive Blocks >> WooBuilder >> Add New to create a template.

Step 6:

Give a template name and press the publish button.

Step 7:

Once you create the template, Go to the plugin settings, select WooBuilder settings choose the template, and activate it by pressing the green button.

All done with the installation and activation. Now it’s time to start customizing the WooCommerce site. Here are the available widgets.

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