
  • Most Recent Updates to WordPress 6.2

    Finally, the wait is over! The much-awaited WordPress 6.2 has arrived. It is the first significant update in 2023. This latest version is packed with major upgrades and powerful new features. WordPress 6.2 also marks the completion of the Gutenberg Phase Two project focused on customization. Phase Three will start with the following significant update…

  • 6 Effective Tips On How To Make Responsive Websites

    Are you struggling to fit your website accurately on all screens? This blog is for you. You will know about responsive web design, its uses, and effective tips to make responsive design easy. You will find clear steps to build a responsive website and stand out from the crowd every time. Designing websites that look…

  • How to Add Code to the WordPress Header & Footer (Easy Guide)

    Do you know how to add code in WordPress Header and Footer? WordPress is the most popular CSM platform among people who don’t like coding. It doesn’t need any coding elements to build WordPress websites. Though sometimes you may need to add codes in the WordPress websites to integrate external services. In such a situation,…

  • Techniques To Speed Up WordPress Site

    WordPress websites are commonly used all over the world. More than 43% (*1) of the users are using WordPress with an infinite number of themes, plugins, and other technologies. Speed Up WordPress performance is a significant factor for the best web designs and technologically advanced companies. This is unimpressive to the users to visit slow…

  • A Complete Guide to WooCommerce Blocks

    Do you want to make your WooCommerce store multifunctional and competitive? A big shout out to the Gutenberg block editor, which comes with tons of powerful and handy WooCommerce blocks. WooCommerce stores’ performance depends on a variety of factors, including user-friendly search and filtering options, reviews, and product catalogs. All of these capabilities can be…

  • Why Should You Use WordPress?

    Are you planning to use WordPress to make a website for your business? The first thing you will need is a reliable, flexible, and profitable platform to develop the business. And nothing makes better sense other than using WordPress. To build your desirable site according to the requirements or needs in terms of hitting a…